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Trashi ......创造了满足一个人的疯狂欲望! 你会如何创造出完美的女人? 在这个搞笑的恶搞中,完美的女人是Lisa de Leeuw,她拥有女人所有最好的部分。 这部性爱色情喜剧充满了最奇异的甜美,性感,包括一个疯狂的科学家,以及只能执行一项功能的角质强壮机器人。
Trashi…created to Fulfill One Man’s Insane Lust! How would you create the perfect woman? In this hilarious spoof, the perfect woman is Lisa de Leeuw, who has all the best parts of womankind. This sexually erotic comedy is packed with sweet, slick sexual action of the most bizarre kind, including a mad scientist, and horny lusty robots created to perform only one function.